miércoles, 23 de noviembre de 2016

PICK - A - SO ; simply, the Greatest!

Picasso was a prolific artist. He changed his visual styles many times.

I really admire his courage and his ability to push the boundaries of his craft instead of just getting complacent with a style that sells/established him as a known artist.

Portrait of an Old Fisherman
When Picasso began painting, he created excellent realist works, for example he painted the "Portrait of an Old Fisherman" at age of 14

However, it's imperative that an artist - any artist - develop a distinctive style of his own that is appropriate for, and reflective of the time in which he works. So Picasso went on from classic realism to play around with several other styles. There was a Blue Period and during this phase, he was still working essentially realistically, although his subjects and backgrounds had become somewhat more stylized, as you can see, from "The Tragedy", an example of the period.

The Tragedy

And then, in 1914, Picasso attended a show of African masks in Paris. That flipped a major artistic switch for him, and resulted in "Demoiselles d'Avignon". In this painting, Cubism became allied with African masks and figuration and sculptural dimensions. The women seem angry and primitive, they confront the viewer head-on, with no traditional use of painting perspective.

This work caused a huge uproar when it was first viewed, and western Art was never the same, because no one had ever conceived of combining all of these elements, being this "rude" and composing in this manner.
Demoiselles d'Avignon

About the fact that many people find his styles scary and bizarre, some of his paintings were meant to make you feel that way. One of his most famous paintings "Guernica" was his response to a tragedy that happened in a village in Spain. He masterfully depicted the violence and disturbing nature of the event.

Art is about sharing what's inside of a human soul with the language of aesthetics. What the artist wants to share could be "beautiful" or "ugly", which would dictate how it's represented through art.

miércoles, 16 de noviembre de 2016

Summer holidays!

Hi everyone! Today my post will be about what I'm going to do in my vacations this year :)

Well. I have to start explaining I'm not from Santiago, I came from the South of Chile, a little city called Los Angeles, near to Concepción so, the first 2 years when I moved to Santiago, every summer I traveled to Los Angeles, to stay the holidays there, 'cause I can work and don't pay a penny because I stayed at my father's place jejeje

But this last year, things have changed, I lived with a friend and I worked here in the capital to pay all my stuff and obviously, the rent, so probably, this summer I'll stay here, working and maybe traveling near to santiago, for simple reasons; my year won't finish in december, regrettably we'll finish our year the last week of january and also, with the passage of months, I have been buying many things, for my place, so practically, I started a life here in santiago and I can't go back.

Now, of course I'll give to myself a couple of days to hang out with my friends and maybe travel to the coast, I'm not a 100% sure, but I'll try to make it happen and maybe, if I can, travel to Los Angeles to visit my father and my old friends :)

I really enjoy to travel, but not all the time I have to opportunity to do it, when I can't go to another place, I try to take a everyday walk through Santiago and visit some interesting places, of course from my point of view, I think it's amazing to visit museums and parks inside the city, and relax my mind trying to unplug it from all the daily stress jaja 

That was my post, and you probably question yourself, why the puppies? Well, because I love puppies <3 


miércoles, 9 de noviembre de 2016

Special Talent ?

Despite of me liking architecture, I enjoy art in general, especially  music ! I actually really enjoy to play many instruments, but my favorite above all it's the piano, I don't know how to explain it, but when I hear the sound of the keys, it's kind of magic for me; I remember that when I was a child, I dreamed of becoming a great piano player, but there was one big problem, I didn't have a piano jaja but when I became a teenager, my mother gave me a keyboard and I started to learn.

The first song that I learned was "Für Elise" by L.V. Beethoven, 'cause it was my mom's favorite song in piano, and that was the first approach to a new world of music, called "Música Docta" or Classical Music, where you cand find composers like Mozart, Haydn, Bach, and so on.

Anyway, this topic it's really emotional to me, because that keyboard was my mother's last gift before she passed away like 8 years ago, and for like 2 years, I didn't play the piano or any other instrument, 'cause all the memories soured my mind, but eventually I was able to cope the situation and actually when I play some instrument the thoughts about my mother are very comforting and I feel happy having good memories about her. 

To finish the post, I left a video of myself playing piano blindfolded, like one year after start practising, and surprising myself with the ability of make a few mistakes in the entire piece, of course that was many years ago and today, I think I've improved a lot compared to when I started.

I hope you enjoy the video, and see you next week :)

Bach's Minuet in G Major